Learn Before You Earn!

BookCLUB is a community of visionary entrepreneurs, where collaboration, innovation and growth thrives.

    Where Education, Innovation, and Collaboration are the very essence.

    Empowering Success Through Shared Knowledge

    Unite, learn, and grow within our inclusive community of visionary business leaders. Together, we harness the power of shared knowledge for transformative success.

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    Uniting Business Leaders in a Fun Environment

    BookCLUB empowers aspiring business leaders from all sectors and walks of life to achieve their dreams by developing skills, knowledge and self-belief.

    Meet Authors and Leaders in the Industry

    Immerse yourself in profound insights, and get the chsance to meet authors sharing their stories behind their books. Unleash wisdom, growth, and enlightenment together.

    Business Knowledge

    Unsure how to expand and scale?

    Are you searching for a way to expand your skills and knowledge? Business ownership can be lonely, especially when starting out as a business owner. You may fall into one or more of these categories:

    • A start-up who wants to take the ‘right’ first steps...
    • An ambitious executive focused on career progression...
    • A manager developing effective leadership skills...
    • A business leader who wants to build a peer network to support them in their journey...
    Business Community

    Unveiling a World of Knowledge: Are You Ready?

    Do you want to be part of a community in which you feel valued and can grow? BookCLUB offers business owners and leaders access to a supportive community that encourages, challenges and celebrates success. By joining BookCLUB you'll get to experience:

    • A supportive team to share business challenges
    • Stories from others who've faced similar obstacles in life & business
    • Feeling valued and included within the community
    • A safe, judgment-free environment to flourish and grow
    • Recognition of your achievements by respected peers

    How you will achieve this

    Learning and growing with like-minded business leaders who are focused on becoming the best versions of themselves and flourishing businesses.
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    Receive a monthly recommended book aimed at fostering personal and business growth.
    Learn proven ActionCOACH systems and strategies to implement your learnings straight away.
    Build strong business relationships with other like-minded business owners at a similar stage of development.
    Each book is chosen by members so you steer the conversation and choose the topics that add the most value to you.
    Gain new ideas and strategies from the chosen Book-of-the-Month to implement into your own business straight away.
    You’ll learn not only the ‘what’ but also the ‘how’ to implement these skills in your life and business.
    the process

    Transform your business in 3 easy steps:

    Start your coaching journey, gain control of your business and enjoy having balance in your life.

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    Have a discovery call with an advisor

    Discuss the challenges you face, your vision for the future and decide whether business coaching is right for you.

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    Develop a plan for you and your business

    With our experience, we can confidently help you develop your goals and map your journey to reach success.

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    Enjoy having balance in your life

    Your coaching sessions will be tailored to you and your business, based on the plan you have developed with your business coach.

    Don't take it from us

    Business Coaching can make your dreams possible...

    ActionCOACH allowed me to grow the business to a point where a large global company has made an exceptional offer to buy my business, build my dream home overseas and prepare to exit the business.

    Dave Ayling, Managing Director, Straightpoint

    Since Charles Gulland started working with ActionCOACH, Wigwam Holidays has grown exponentially with turnover increasing from 400k to 1.4m! With a net profit increase from 45k to 100k!

    Charles Gulland, Managing Director, Wigwam Holidays

    James Harper of Walton Flooring got in touch with ActionCOACH and started seeing results with his team within 2 months. Walton Flooring has now doubled the size of its team and seen a profit increase of over £80,000! 

    The company has been shortlisted for 2 national awards and James is able to do the school run and spend more time with his daughters - "If I didn't have my ActionCOACH I don't think I'd be here today"

    James Harper, Business Owner, Walton Flooring Centre

    I've learned to run a successful business rather than have a job or be an employee of my own business. I actually run the business and that staff members have noticed the difference.

    Joanne Ferguson, Managing Director, CS Cleaning

    Business coaching has changed my personal life, my business life, my mindset, my confidence, everything. I was struggling to reach my turnover target and never felt like I had enough staff to keep up with demand. My coach has helped me systemise my business, eliminate my staffing issues, and allowed me to think big for the future.

    Barbara Ikin, Business Owner, Partridge Lakes

    Getting ActionCOACH involved in his business allowed Pete to tap into the expertise of the coach and push the business into a new direction of growth. In a short space of 6-8 weeks, Pete noticed the shift in his mindset, a better structure for the business and clarity with his figures.

    Pete Wharton, Managing Director, Wharton Natural

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    Join Your Exclusive Community

    Unlock the door to a truly extraordinary journey of self-improvement and success with your BookCLUB community. Gain access to invaluable resources, expert guidance, and an unparalleled network of like-minded individuals who are dedicated to achieving greatness.

    Find a Business Coach
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    our guarantee

    Transform Your Business with Confidence

    At ActionCOACH, we understand it's essential that you achieve real results for you and your business. That's why we back our coaching programmes with our cast-iron, money-back ActionCOACH guarantee. As long as you follow our proven systems and complete all of the work and actions agreed upon in your sessions, our coaching programmes are guaranteed to deliver the transformative outcomes you deserve. Ask your coach for full details.

    Explore our programmes

    With a range of programmes available to suit all types of business owners and leaders. Explore some of our other programmes that can help you and your business grow and develop together.

    One-to-one Business Coaching

    Our most powerful business growth programme, guaranteed to grow your business by unlocking your true potential as an entrepreneur.


    A coaching programme for entrepreneurs, leaders or business owners, who want to experience the effectiveness of one-to-one coaching but in a small group setting.


    Create sustainable business and personal growth in an environment of learning, sharing and collective accountability with ActionCLUB.

    Case Studies

    Case Study

    A Success Story of Business Growth and Work-Life Balance | SouthSide Property Management

    SouthSide Property Management: A success story of growth and balance with ActionCOACH. Explore their journey to success.

    Learn more

    Case Study

    Business Coaching for a Construction Company: An Honest Review

    Read an honest review from Phil, the owner of Unicorn Construction and learn how business coaching affected his business.

    Learn more

    Client Reviews

    5 Real Business Coaching Reviews You Need To See

    Explore real business coaching reviews and testimonials from entrepreneurs who have experienced business coaching.

    Learn more

    It's time to make a change

    With 98% of clients saying they'd recommend ActionCOACH, this will be a change we're certain you'll be proud of when looking back at your business growth.

    Find a Business Coach Speak with an advisor